And Finally, Eleventh

Make meaning out of your trauma but do not make your grief, sorrow, pain and trauma your identity.

You are deeply beloved by God. Your identity must be in God’s loving description of you.

When I had my motorcycle accident, I was in a hospital bed in my living room for months. I developed separation anxiety from my wife. I wanted only her to feed me and help me go to the bathroom.

The only other thing that she did besides care for me was go to a ladies’ Bible study. The study was by Beth Moore. My senior pastor visited me and asked if there was anything that I needed, I said, “Yes, please buy me the Beth Moore ladies Bible study to study in my hospital bed.” Kim was talking and talking about it and I want-ed to study it as well.

God don’t waste my pain.

On one of the lessons she said a simple prayer, “God don’t waste my pain.” I had lots of pain, so that became my heart’s prayer every day during my recovery. I still pray, “God don’t waste my pain.” We must pray, “Don’t waste my sorrow, sickness, cancer and grief. Use my pain for your glory.”