Bellaire Campus

Meeting at the Bellaire Cinema
112 N Bridge St
Bellaire, MI 49615
Phone: 231.938.8056
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Bellaire Campus is a satellite campus meeting in, you guessed it, the village of Bellaire, MI. Each week we meet in the Bellaire Cinema where the service is streamed live at 10am while KidZone meets in the second theater on location! In addition to Sunday service, Bellaire specific groups are available, where you can find community!
Sunday Morning KidZone Ministry
We meet every Sunday Morning in the theater at10am. We have a small breakfast at 9:45am for kids in KidZone. We have toys, crafts, and puzzles for kids to do before hand with a new guessing Zone question each week. Once we get started we check in and see how our weeks were, take prayer requests, make announcements before we start our game. After game we have worship, a lesson, go over our memory verse and end with announcements and a snack. Kids are then free to play with toys, puzzles, and other activities until their parents arrive.
What time should I arrive?
How long is a Sunday Service?
What is worship like?
What is the preaching like?
What should I wear?
How old are people?
Are visitors asked to stand up?
Can I talk with a Pastor?
Where do my kids go?
Will my kids be safe?
What time should I arrive?
We start worship at 8:00am and 10:00am sharp! We recommend showing up 10-15 minutes early to get acclimated and to prepare your heart for worship.You may want to allow a few extra minutes if you need to drop off kids at the Nursery and/or KidZone.
How Long is the Sunday Service?
A typical worship service at New Hope lasts about 75 minutes. We are not “mastered” by the clock, but we also understand the culture in which we live.
What is Worship Like
The word in Christian circles is: contemporary. New Hope worship offers a wonderful variety of acoustic, orchestra, big band, guitars, drums, vocal ensembles, choirs, and hymns! All this for the One True God, and we encouraging your participation. On a typical Sunday, we worship through singing for about 25 minutes.
What is the Preaching like?
We preach from one book – the Bible. At New Hope, we preach “expositionally”, which means book by book, chapter by chapter. In the last several years, we have preached through Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah, John, Romans, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 Peter, Hebrews, and Daniel. The sermons are roughly 40 minutes long (but don’t time us because we sometimes go long). We have two goals in preaching. One, theological truth – "what does God’s word say". Two, relevant application – "what does it mean to me". Our goal is that there are always action steps to take home and implement into your life.
What Should I Wear?
In terms of ‘dress’, New Hope is a “come as you are” church. Some men wear blue jeans – others wear dress shirts – a few wear ties. Some ladies wear slacks – others wear dresses. In the summer, shorts are preferred by some. Seriously, wear what is most comfortable.
How Old are People
New Hope is truly a church of all ages. We have several hundred children from birth through 5th grade – we call this “The Kidzone.” We also have teens (6th-12th grade) who participate in our regular worship service as well as gather on Wednesday night. And we have adults all the way up through their 90’s. There are lots of couples; lots of singles; middle-age; upper-age. You will not feel “out of place”…unless you are 125 years old. Even then, please come!
Are Visitors asked to Stand Up?
No. On a typical Sunday, we will verbally welcome all of our guests who are visiting for the first time. We want you to feel welcome at New Hope – but we don’t want you to feel embarrassed or singled out. We do, however, have a gift for you. Just stop by the welcome center and let them know it’s your first time!
Can I talk with a Pastor?
After the service, find the “Welcome Center” in the lobby, where you can meet a pastor and ask questions about the church.
Where do My Kids Go?
Children have their own special place to go during the 10am service
Early Childhood is for little ones from birth to 2 years old.
The KidZone is where kids from 3-13 play, worship, and learn together.
Look for the signs in the lobby, or ask a greeter to point you in the right direction.
Will My Kids be Safe?
We have made every effort to ensure the safety of our children and adults. Childcare workers have approved background checks run through law enforcement agencies. We also have a security team on site to do their very best to protect our premises. We value the lives of every person who walks through our doors.
Will My Kids be Safe?
We have made every effort to ensure the safety of our children and adults. Childcare workers have approved background checks run through law enforcement agencies. We also have a security team on site to do their very best to protect our premises. We value the lives of every person who walks through our doors.
Bob Felton
Bellaire Campus Pastor
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Kristin Molby
Worship Leader

and Staff